Tuesday, December 29

Bathroom Project

On the way back from one of my many doctors appointments today I took care of two things on my "To Do" List for Mr. Christians room and bathroom.

I found the material for the curtains! On crazy sale. $3.99 a yard. It's tangerine with large white polka dots. I had to special order it because they only had 3 yards in the store, but it should be here in 2 weeks! Cutting it close, I know. Since the material is not very light blocking I am going to pick up some black out shades at Home Depot. That room gets crazy sunlight, just ask anyone who has lived in there...am I right Lyndsay? :)

I also came up with an art project for the babies bathroom. Chris did not want me to paint the bathroom, well he probably just didn't want to have to do the painting, haha, so I wanted to make some fun art for the walls. Here's the plan.

I picked up 3 canvas' at Michaels', some ribbon and paint.
I am going to draw a silhoutte of a rhino, an elephant and a hippo, one on each canvas. I'm going to paint the animals brown and paint the rest of the canvas in aqua or orange.
I got that awesome ribbon up there to staple to the back of the canvas so I can hang it on the wall. The plan is to hang all three in the bathroom, and in between each I'm going to hang a hook for Mr. Christians hooded towels.

I also have to come up with some sort of storage in there since there is none...and find a place to hang the giraffe mirror. That and a new bright orange or blue shower curtain and I think we will be in business.

Here is the super cute monkey rug I got at my baby shower. I'm thinking of getting this other rug from target to go by the bathtub:Whata think?
Love, coley

Christmas in Savannah

Well all, we survived Christmas in Savannah. It was actually very relaxing, and that is not usually how our Christmas' go. Here are some shots from the day.

Our bar all a'glow.Holiday time for us means Mimosas..this year we had to "alter" them a bit... non alcoholic champagne with 50% less sugar OJ...they tasted awesome, really.One of Christians many presents from his family :) The kiddo got the following:
(and he's not even here yet!)
A navy pea coat (so adorable)
Tons of books (some in Spanish!)
Handmade sheets and clothes from his Great Aunts Dahlia and Lilia
Denver Nuggets house shoes from Uncle Pat
A Colorado Beanie
Socks! He so needed some socks and they are the cutest ones
and much much more
Finally finished the giant advent calendar...just in time for Christmas 2010! :)Advent calendar close up

Angelo with his Christmas present from Mommy & Daddy. He got this super soft blanket for his bed and he is pretty much in heaven.
Angelo chewing on a new toy from Uncle Pat.
Chris handing out presents on Christmas morn.
Notice "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation" playing in the background.

Merry Christmas to all! We love you!

the Baksas

Friday, December 25

Feliz Navidad!

Merry Christmas everyone!!
Ours was great, hope yours was wonderful!

Love, Chris, Nicole & Christian Baksa

Thursday, December 17

Its (almost) a wrap

We are almost done with the room. Here is what we still have to get/make/do:

  • Orange Round Rug- I really want a shag (not too shag though...I need to be able to vacuum it) rug for the babies room. I at first had visions of him playing on it, but Chris informed me that he doesn't see me letting the babies feet touch the floor for the first year of his life, so maybe later right? haha. Funny Chris.

Fabric for curtains- I'm thinking orange and white with polka dots (thanks Mindy!). Now whether to go with orange with white polka dots or white with orange polka dots...? I want something bright that pops, but not too crazy nuts. I'm not making this child new curtains every year...these have got to last a little while. Which do you like?

Orange Pillow- I finally found the perfect blanket for the chair. Now all I need is the pillow. Honestly I'm not even sure if I need a pillow, or will use the pillow that much, but don't tell my husband. When I envisioned the room there was a cute orange pillow in the chair, and I think I need it. Again, which do you like?

Wall Monogram- I've held on this one because we have gone back and forth. Well, I've gone back and forth. Chris pretty much knows what he wants. There was Cristian Bishop. Then we dropped the Bishop. (its a bit much with the Cristian I think. We don't want to name the child Cristian Holy Arch Bishop or anything). Then we decided on Christian, so the kiddo won't have to constantly say, "no Cristian without the H", followed by, "no that's BAKsa, not BASka...no, no...like your back." So hopefully by Christmas Christian Baksa will have a full name and I can order his wall monogram. I've got a couple of options here...

Mobile: All I need to do is go get paper and figure out which pictures to use.

Art Work: I really need to figure out what pictures to put where, but this is usually the last thing I do once I have the rest of the room set.

I think that's it! Don't forget to tell me what you like above.

Love, coley

Wednesday, December 16

First time in 28 years....

Chris and I are staying in Savannah this Christmas. Not by choice, but by baby. He's grounded us until he's ready to make his appearance into this world.

So this marks the first time Ever that Chris or I have not been at home on Christmas day. I fully expect tears from the mothers :( Heck, they should fully expect tears from us! I just said heck didn't I? We are so moving from Georgia.

We have decorated the house and tried to make it very festive, so we won't be too sad come Christmas morning. I guess this is what its like to start your own family...sometimes you can't go home and you just have to make home where you are.

Here's our best attempt:

Some friends of ours got us this ornament...it says "congrats to the parents to be"

Our banister:We got this ornament from friends when we moved into our house. We try and get a special one each year.

I got this plane for Chris as his ornament this year.

This ornament is for our little Loeki. We miss him so much.

This is our special ornament from last year, our first Christmas together...one day it will have a wedding picture in it :)

I had to get a "B"...I seem to have gathered a lot of them around this house...

This is our special ornament for this year. Next years we'll get baby's first Christmas for the little guy :)

I am making an advent calendar in our bookcase. One day (soon) all of the white packages will be wrapped and I'll put black #'s on them, 1 thru 25, and fill them with little things we can do leading up to Christmas. And candy of course :) Its our new tradition.

Our tree! The star went out the second day we put it up. Nice. I'm waiting for the day after Christmas sales to get a beautiful angel I think.

I made this centerpiece for the kitchen table.

Here is a picture of our outside lights. Chris isn't done yet, but here's his start.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 3

Nicole:1, Chris: 0

I did it folks.

I finally convinced Christopher James Baksa to get my dream stroller. Well "our" dream stroller. (its his dream too, he just doesn't know it yet) No really, he says he loves the stroller, but wanted to "explore our options" (his words, not mine) before "committing" (him again). Engineers. :)

All kidding aside he does have a point, we do have to drive this thing around for years to come. But he was convinced and he said yes. Yes!

In 3 to 5 business days, this will be arriving at my door. I may hug the UPS man.

Let me tell you how amazing this stroller is...you know while I have a somewhat captive audience. See if I could have convinced you.

  • Everything that you see in Red snaps off this baby and can be washed in the washing machine. Seriously. Do I even need to go on? I mean have you seen a kids stroller? With the half eaten french fries and the pieces of old chicken nuggets squished down in the corners of the seat? Normally you can't wash those things. They tell you, "For cleaning we recommend a damp towel." A damp towel? what's that gonna do? Children are filthy. Filthy and adorable, but seriously not the cleanest creatures....
  • The baby can sleep in the bassinet part (with a stand) at night until its ready to move on to its crib. We plan to move the baby soon...maybe a month or so, so we didn't want to invest in another big piece of furniture, but this stroller comes with the bassinet! Win-win!
  • Its for tall people. Really. The baby sits way higher than most strollers so you don't have to bend way over to get the baby out. There is a "floating L bar" or something its called, in the front so you don't ever accidentally kick it. Yah, one for the tall people.
  • Minimal plastic. Did I mention its my goal to try and I say try because really its gonna be a hard fight, but I would like to try to keep the plastic to a minimum in our house. I want our house to continue to look like adults live here. At least part time.
  • Its beautiful. Chris didn't really go for this one as worthy of making the Pros list...but hey, I throw it out there for you.
  • Shocks and big wheels so you can use it for city use, jogging, walking, ect. No need for two strollers. Its also really light, so it cuts down on the need for an umbrella stroller as well.
  • It can be switched either way. Facing us, or facing out. Either piece, just snaps on whatever way you like it.
  • And one more for you good deal shoppers...we got $100 off on black Friday AND free shipping. I mean come on. That one even made Chris smile :)
Did I get you too? :)

Who cares! Its on the way :) haha.

I am SO excited.

Love, coley

Ps: Little baby Benjamin has promised to come over and let me give him a test ride in it as soon as it arrives! Yeah!

Oh yes, I have a blog

If having a baby is like having something enter your life, completely take it over, fill your entire brain and soul with worry, allow you to forget the day and month, and still be smiling...well my friends we are there.

This little man is not even here and he has pretty much consumed our entire lives. I eat, sleep, and dream Cristian. (still trying out that name...input much appreciated)

Apparently it is December. The month of Christmas. So they tell me.

We do have a tree. I consider us ahead of the game right there. It doesn't have anything on it yet, but give us until next week and its bound to at least get some lights. We have been so consumed I do not think either of us has really realized that Christmas is coming, with or without us.

I should at least go online and pick out some gifts via Amazon. Or gift cards or something. Where would you like your gift card from? (again, input much appreciated).

Let me fill you in on exactly what has been consuming all our time.

We did Thanksgiving in Oklahoma. Which was wonderful. I got in some quality time with the parentals. We got to see all my cousins and their kids (and the two cutest 2 month old twin baby girls!). We had a wonderful baby shower and got some of the sweetest presents. I got to hang with Jen and Em and Jess! I mean that pretty much seals it up for best holiday ever. We also did not take one picture because my charge is apparently not holding in my camera. Nice. All you snap happy people there, I need some pics.

On the way back we broke some sort of packing world record and managed to fit a swing, a full size BABY SWING in our luggage. Along with 90 baby outfits (thank you baby Jett!), wipes, blankets, cards and tons of other baby stuff. I do not know how we did it but people it was an amazing site to behold. (we take pride in our packing over here :) Did you know the new price for an overweight bag is $90?! Insane I know.

Oh, I picked up a sore throat along the way. Score!

What else....our plane got delayed by numerous hours, but hey, we made it back safe and sound, and I"m still here to blog about it.

All in all, its been an amazing few weeks. I'm back now, so leave some comments sometime so I know you are out there reading this :)

love, coley

Tuesday, November 10

Oh today

I am feeling antsy today.

Not sure why. Not sure if its this whole "nesting"thing they speak of. That just seems to be the extreme desire to prepare and decorate (my own personal def.) and I am pretty sure I have that all the time. Pregnant or not.

Today is different though. I feel like I really need to just be cleaning my house. Like mopping the floors and organizing. It was torture coming to work today as all I could think about was going through every drawer in the house and throwing stuff away. Its crazy I tell ya.

I got the bedding last night. Its beautiful bedding. Very soft, very cute. Very bluey green? I don't know. Chris is not thrilled with the shade of bluey green and to be honest its not the exact color of the walls, but then again, I have searched EVERYWHERE and I just don't know if I can bare to begin looking again. I am going to trouble shoot it tonight and tomorrow and figure out if I can add orange ribbon and maybe who knows what else to make it work more with our decor. It really is beautiful bedding and I love it on its own, just got to find a way to incorporate it into the room more. (I'll post pictures once I decide what I'm going to do)

In other news we need a baby name. Well we think we may have one. We like Christian. Or Cristian. We are leaning towards the latter spelling. I just don't know. What do you all in the blogsphere think?

Cristian Bishop Baksa? You like?

Bishop we pulled outta no where and we love it. I just don't know what to name this little guy. Part of me can see myself calling him Cristian. My cute little Cristian. Spelling it without the "h" makes it a little different and hopefully cuts down on people calling him Chris. (no offense but Chris and I don't want to call him Chris, otherwise well we'd just call him Chris..)

Oh here's how I kept my sanity at work today. I did a little "planning" err shopping for things I have been wanting to check off my list.

I so want this:

Its a boppy cover. Its minky black on the back and this damask print on the front. I didn't buy it, but so want to. I'm going to wait until after my showers are over and see if I get my boppy and a cover. Its on Etsy.com if anyone is looking to pretty much make me the happiest girl (ha) out there...hint hint... http://www.etsy.com/shop/mollyannemake


Its a diaper wipes case. I think it will look great in my diaper bag. And for $7 bucks!


This is an awesome burp cloth with black minky material on one side and damask on the front. Its $8. I have been looking for one that I can buy so I have something I can replicate :) Or attempt to. I think this would be the official diaper bag burp cloth as well.

I figure $15 isn't too bad for some much needed fun in my day :)

All my love,
