Friday, April 30

Easter 2010

Here is the only surviving picture from this Easter. Quite nice for our first family picture, no?

Thursday, April 29

What we do at 5:30pm

By 5:30pm Christian needs a shift change (or so I gather by his shrieking) so in the swing he goes, and usually the bears keep him entertained until his Daddy comes home.

Oh thank you Domann's for this swing! Life saver (mine!).


I saw this onesie at Target and had to have it....


This week we took Christian to Corrleones, where we had our rehearsal dinner almost two years ago. We had a great time and Christian was on his best behavior.
This is a shrimp and scallop kabob. Isn't it cool how they hang it from the plate like this?
Christian was actually happier than he looks in this pic.

Remedy for a Bad Hair Day

Christian decided he's tired of having to comb his hair all the time...and came up with this remedy.

Whata think? Pretty cute huh?

Then he got a little camera shy

Then he told me that the photo shoot was over.

Bye guys!

Sunday, April 25

Gulfstream 5K

Saturday morning Christian "ran" his first 5K. His Uncle Jacob and Cousin Kylin were in the stroller division with us, Auntie Lindsay got third place (she rocks!) and Chris was a volunteer and recorded times.

Good times.

Friday, April 23

*100 Posts*

I've reached a 100 posts, and to celebrate here's my favorite 100 pictures of Christian!

Ha- no, just kidding. Like I could narrow that down.

Here are 4 really cute ones though.

Thanks for stopping by and reading!

love, nicole

A Space of His Own

So yesterday I asked Christian,
"would you like to try sleeping in your crib tonight?"

He spit out his pacifier and stared at me. "You mean alone?"

I explained to him that it wouldn't really be alone because Mommy and Daddy would be right down the hall and we would come check on him tons, so there was no need to worry.

Here is his response:
(I guess if I can't see him then I can't put him in his crib-smile)
But even though I told Chris that he probably wasn't ready (per our discussion earlier) we still tried the little guy out in his crib last night.

I didn't want to leave...he looked so small in that giant crib.

And just to prove Chris right, Christian didn't make a peep
(even though I checked on him at least 3 times- that I'll admit to)
and slept in that crib from 9:30 last night
6:30 this morning.

Such a big boy.

Tuesday, April 20

Sunday Morning

Christopher and Christian

(thanks for the polo Mimi and the pants A. Alicia!)

Saturday, April 17

Uncle Matt comes to visit

Uncle Matt came to visit on his way back to Colorado,
and oh boy....
did we like him!

What we've been up to the last two weeks

*Hanging out in the boppy with spiderman*
*Taking naps after playing hard*
*Laughing as we try to put him to bed*
*playing and playing*
*eating our hands*

*half smiling*
*making ducky lips*
*testing out our crib*
*generally being cute*
*hanging out with our CU hat on*
*its a little too big, but it still looks cute*
*eating those hands again...i love them*
*relaxing while reading some Dr. Seuss*

2 Months Old

Look everyone I'm 2 Months old!
25 inches long and 14 pounds!
I'm longer than over 97% of the babies my age!
This is my little monkey that my Grandma Baksa gave me. I love to hold him.
See you later!

Wednesday, April 14

What's to come

Every time we have an internet switch over here at the Baksa house, I tend to lose a few days blogging. Well it happened again, the Internet has been down on the laptops and I don't get Chris' computer. Makes no sense to me. Where do I stick the memory card to upload the pictures? Anyone?

Hopefully tonight I will be able to post. Here is, what's to come:

  • 2 month old pictures along with new growth stats! We've got a big boy, in case you hadn't noticed. ;)
  • More Hair. I know you didn't think it was possible, but the kid has more hair.
  • Smiles! (finally caught on camera) The best one is on my cell phone, so I'll see about getting that to the computer...ugh this technology...what would I do without Chris.
  • A few shots of Christian in the crib. We are working on getting him familiarized with it. I'd love to keep him in our room for longer but he is getting really long...he's going to grow out of the bassinet soon.
  • New sleep updates, last night he slept from 11pm to 7am!
  • OH and more fabulous news! Christian has a cousin! Penelope Baksa was born on Sunday and is just the prettiest little girl. Chris and I can't wait to meet her! Mom and Dad and baby are doing great and we miss them so much. It was killing us to not be there.
Today Christian and I are going to do lots of laundry (hopefully), run to the grocery store, and try to get our new plants potted on the front porch. We'll see how Christian likes that. I'm trying to get him outside as much as possible now, while its still reasonable weather, come July he'll be stuck inside.

love, nic

Monday, April 5

Weekend Update:

Happy belated Easter everyone!

We had a lovely weekend...I got to spend some time with friends Friday and Saturday afternoon and Sunday we had a full day with Church, an Easter Egg Hunt we put on for the neighbor girls, and Easter lunch at the Chan's.

Christian looked adorable in his blue and white little outfit, I wore a ruffly pink skirt and Christopher was as handsome as ever in a blue and white dress shirt and khakis.

Our church does family pictures after Easter Sunday service...and thank goodness because all of our Easter pictures were eaten by the camera. Well half of the pictures. Half of every picture unfortunately. We have a few that aren't completely cutting off Christians head, but I'm going to have to put his outfit back on and do some re shots. So sad. All the ones that we got outside of church...some really great ones of Christian and his dad, are gone. In keeping with being overly emotional in general, I did cry :) but I'm okay now. We have the memories right?

Well the memories and the pretend Easter shots I'm going to take after Christian wakes up from his nap.


Saturday, April 3


Last Friday I officially quit my job!!!!!!!!


Chris and I are so happy that I will be able to stay home with the little guy.

We are so blessed that everything fell into place like it did.
We did lots of praying and planning and more praying, and number crunching,
and are so excited to be able to head into this unknown path that is parenthood,
with one of us at home full time with Christian.

Thanks to everyone that was right there hoping and praying this would all work out with us. We love you guys and could never raise Christian without such great family and friends.

All of the family that traveled so far, Colorado!, Oklahoma! to meet Christian and all the friends that called and texted warm wishes, cooked meals, cleaned, sent prayers, and sent way, way too many presents, we want to say,
thank you so very much!

It was all of that wonderful support that allowed us to confidently decide I should quit my job. It is so good to know that we have you in our lives.

Love, the Baksas

Baby Blue

Christian is really tired from a fun day at the park, but he thought you might like to see some of the photos we took when we got back.
(btw- best $6 ever spent would be these flip funny)