Wednesday, January 26

Birthday presents come early!

Today this birthday present from Mimi and Papa in Oklahoma came early!  Since it was too big to wrap, we let the little guy try it out early. 

He loves it! He keeps leaning his head back and saying, "ahh."  Like he is so comfortable now after that year of sitting on the floor :)

Here he is:

Thursday, January 20

Random Sampling

Hello all! It has been a long time and we have been busy busy, but since Miss Gibson has requested I stop making excuses and put some pictures up, here you go :) This is just a random sampling of some from Christmas.  I will get the rest of the pics up soon.  I still owe you all 10 and 11 month pictures too! Can you believe Christian is going to be a year old in a few short weeks! We are having a monkey party for our "Little Monkey" and we can't wait to celebrate.  It has been a great first year.

And now the pictures.  Our little guy sure is photogenic wouldn't you say?