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Wednesday, August 31
Kitchen Krazy
Linz lent this little kitchen to Christian and its adorable and he loves it....but...I got the genius idea to put batteries in it. They make the "stovetop" sizzle. It's like this low hissing white noise that makes me go insane. Christian apparently knows this, turns it on and then leaves the room. I even asked him today if he knew that noise makes Mommy want to rip her hair out. His reply, " yeah Mama!" Then he laughed and pulled on his hair! Wow.
Tuesday, August 30
Decorating Extravaganza
----On My Wish List----
Master Bed & Bath-
Most of this has been on the to-do list since we moved in. :)
Master Bed & Bath-
From |
- Tie backs for curtains: We have needed these forever. Its just one of those things you put off doing and then two years later you are still laying the curtains over the side of the chairs to keep them open.
- Two pillows for our side chairs: I like these bright ones in a damask print.
- Update yellow flower arrangement
- Wall decal for over tub: I want something fun to put over the space where our master tub is.
- Material for curtains- The color of the walls in the office is a sunshine yellowish color. Its darker than the yellow above so I'm hoping to find some material that matches. The office is getting a daybed and we are removing one of the two desks to make it more of a half guest bedroom/ half office. It is one of the brightest rooms in the house so it needs curtains before anyone sleeps in there.
- New throw pillows- I like the one I posted yesterday and I'm still on the lookout for a couple of white ones. The one above is from amazon. I want something that will add some texture but still be machine washable.
- Blue accents for bookcase- Not sure what yet, but maybe a few vases or picture frames.
- Bins for toys in bookcase- White bins from Ikea to hold and HIDE Christians toys.
- New red & white print coffee mugs
- New centerpiece for table
- New tablecloth
- Door mat
- Some sort of decoration for front porch
Most of this has been on the to-do list since we moved in. :)
So its almost here. The big 3-0. I've gone back and forth trying to figure out what I want for my birthday. Chris has asked me so many times...Its hard when you can't really fit into anything because I almost always want clothes, or a purse or jewelry. None of those will work this year. Too big for clothes, too depressing to buy maternity clothes, I have to carry a diaper bag, so no use for a purse and I don't end up wearing too much jewelry right now...SO what to ask for??? Did I mention I'm turning 30???! I imagined myself laying in a pool in Las Vegas with a mojito! Oh so sad....
After some serious internet searching, think I finally figured it out. Home decorating stuff! I love to decorate. I've been wanting to finish up the last projects at my house since before Christian was born and what better time to do in than when I will be spending A LOT of time in my house once baby #2 arrives. ( I have a feeling me and these walls are going to be very good friends) I know it would make me very happy to see my bedroom done, and my pantry finished and it would be a good time to get it done before baby arrives.
I've put together a list of the things I want to find and make so if you'd like to donate... :) haha! I'll share here what I get and what my ideas are. A few before and after pictures too. I'm so excited!
Love, Nicole (still 29 for now!)
After some serious internet searching, think I finally figured it out. Home decorating stuff! I love to decorate. I've been wanting to finish up the last projects at my house since before Christian was born and what better time to do in than when I will be spending A LOT of time in my house once baby #2 arrives. ( I have a feeling me and these walls are going to be very good friends) I know it would make me very happy to see my bedroom done, and my pantry finished and it would be a good time to get it done before baby arrives.
I've put together a list of the things I want to find and make so if you'd like to donate... :) haha! I'll share here what I get and what my ideas are. A few before and after pictures too. I'm so excited!
Love, Nicole (still 29 for now!)
A Few New Pictures
Here are some new pictures of Christian. We got a few when Chris' mom was here visiting, although I think we were having too much fun to get many :) I'll look through them soon and try to get them posted.
We went downtown and rode the trolley, went to Jekyll Island and played in the ocean, and ate lots of wonderful food prepared by Myriam.
It was too short of a visit, can't wait for you to come back Myriam!
We went downtown and rode the trolley, went to Jekyll Island and played in the ocean, and ate lots of wonderful food prepared by Myriam.
It was too short of a visit, can't wait for you to come back Myriam!
Christian and I floating at Jekyll Island |
Doesn't this look like an old time bathing suit? |
This child could not have more hair |
Running in the square downtown. |
Yum, dum dum suckers! |
I can't remember what was going on here! Pj's and my hat... |
Naked time |
How sweet is he? Love his little cheeks |
Eating pretzels and wearing dad's hat |
He was much more interested in the pretzels than the pool |
On the trolley- look at my gigantic 20 week stomach! |
These are so out of order :) |
Each wearing a work shoe, they were taking a lap around the house! Practicing for future father son races I guess :) |
Ha ha! How cute are they? They match too! |
Monday, August 29
Hollywood Blue Brown Geometric Throw Pillow - Blue Pillows - Post Edit
So apparently Polyvore just posted this without me knowing! :) I was trying to decide what I wanted for my birthday....
Hollywood Blue Brown Geometric Throw Pillow - Blue Pillows - Shop By... (clipped to
Hollywood Blue Brown Geometric Throw Pillow - Blue Pillows - Shop By... (clipped to
Wednesday, August 24
It's a BOY!!!
We are having a boy! A sweet, cuddly little boy. I'm apparently destined to be surrounded by gorgeous men. I'll take it! :)
Now comes the getting ready.
Love, Nicole
Now comes the getting ready.
Love, Nicole
Tuesday, August 23
So I've been throwing around our favorite names here on the blog, but here is the (un)official list. Its as official as its going to get b/c I can't remember them all. That and some of Chris' crazy ones I'm afraid to put in print. :)
We also very much love:
Sophia (with Sophie for short)
Ever ( I really like this one!)
Francesca (okay just I love this one... :)
Aubrey or Avery (not sure if I ran these by Chris, but I love them)
Gibson is our front runner. Its my maiden name so it adds some family to it...just haven't figured a middle name. Gibson Cruz? Gibson Bennett? Or maybe something Ecuadorian? That would be cool. Not sure what yet...?
Phoenix (I still like this one a little)
Captain (this is Chris' personal favorite after Gibson. Yes he is crazy. Captain Baksa? Ha ha :)
Noah (I pulled this one out of no where but I like it)
Hummmm...any ideas???
Juliet Austen is our front runner. We picked it when we were pregnant the first time. We'd call her Juliet and Jules, and Austen is for my favorite writer, Jane Austen. We also very much love:
Sophia (with Sophie for short)
Ever ( I really like this one!)
Francesca (okay just I love this one... :)
Aubrey or Avery (not sure if I ran these by Chris, but I love them)
Gibson is our front runner. Its my maiden name so it adds some family to it...just haven't figured a middle name. Gibson Cruz? Gibson Bennett? Or maybe something Ecuadorian? That would be cool. Not sure what yet...?
Phoenix (I still like this one a little)
Captain (this is Chris' personal favorite after Gibson. Yes he is crazy. Captain Baksa? Ha ha :)
Noah (I pulled this one out of no where but I like it)
Hummmm...any ideas???
Here is the boy stuff I have been so slow putting up. My mother in law is here visiting and we are having such a good time with her that I haven't had time to post these ideas. But...since we find out TOMORROW at 10:15am I figured I better put some stuff online now...just so it will be fair! :)
Here are some of my ideas:
I really like this wall decal. So cute! I most likely will not use these colors because they are very close to Christians room, but I do love the decal. We aren't using Nathan either (It has forever been tarnished by a boy from 5th grade) but we are still up in the air on boy names. Gibson...something. Or maybe something Gibson. I don't know.
I've been looking for an excuse to get one of those, "Keep Calm and Carry On" prints, and then I saw this:
I'd love to have this one in the room, maybe over the changing table.
How sweet are these images from a nursery I found online? I really like the colors they used:
(all photos from On To Baby)
If we do the airplane theme I'm thinking of keeping the colors to Navy, Bright Red and White. I'd love to do a red and white striped rug, something like this:
But I get stumped on the walls. I want a color, but I think all navy would be too much. Maybe half navy and half white? Chris may kill me if I ask him to do a split colored wall again. He did such an amazing job last time though...I could maybe do a white chair rail in between? Hummmm...
What do you think of this bedding?
I'd probably do the bumper and other sheets or blanket though.
Okay so that was a mess of pictures and ideas, but I think you get the gist of it.
Love, Nicole
Here are some of my ideas:
From Etsy user CutItOut Design |
I've been looking for an excuse to get one of those, "Keep Calm and Carry On" prints, and then I saw this:
From Etsy user PosterPop |
How sweet are these images from a nursery I found online? I really like the colors they used:
Doesn't that smoky blue look great with the red and white? |
I'd love to know where they got this plane |
This toy plane would be a serious splurge but I'd love one if we do an airplane nursery |
If we do the airplane theme I'm thinking of keeping the colors to Navy, Bright Red and White. I'd love to do a red and white striped rug, something like this:
But I get stumped on the walls. I want a color, but I think all navy would be too much. Maybe half navy and half white? Chris may kill me if I ask him to do a split colored wall again. He did such an amazing job last time though...I could maybe do a white chair rail in between? Hummmm...
What do you think of this bedding?
PBKids bedding |
Okay so that was a mess of pictures and ideas, but I think you get the gist of it.
Love, Nicole
Thursday, August 18
I'd Love to Take This Family Pic
It says: After 8 Years of Marriage...4 Times More Love
Isn't that the sweetest thing? I'd love to have this hanging in my entryway so I could see it when I come home.
image from Chic & Cheap Nursery
How crazy is this?
Okay maybe I should start a crib design blog or something. Look what I came across on a website, Chic & Cheap Nursery tonight. Down to the curtains its pretty close to what I came up with yesterday for little Juliet.
My Nephew

Here is Evan headed to the 3nd grade! I still remember the first time I held him, minutes after he was born. He is SO big, and smart and handsome. I'm so proud of him.
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Possible Girl Themes
Penelope quilt from Pottery Barn Kids |
From Etsy user WallArtDesign |
I could do a darker brown tree, and have the walls painted a pale pink. We could make a mobile out of bird Christmas tree ornaments (I so want to try this) and work in some cute bird details in picture frames and maybe a little bird cage on a shelf.
Another option...
Pink Elephant quilt from BabySuperMall |
From Etsy user WhimsyWallArt |
Brooke Bedding by Bananafish from Target |
I like this bedding from Bananafish, but it doesn't really help me with a theme. Not that I have to have a theme, but it does make it a little more child-like and Christians room has the animals and I really like the way it turned out.
We'll see...maybe a more solid bedding and just decorate with the fairy theme. Uh who knows!
I've got some cute boy ideas, I'll be sure to post them by this weekend. I like to have a nursery idea nailed down for a boy and a girl that way when I find out the sex I can get started right away. My goal is to be done with the nursery and my projects around the house before Thanksgiving.
Love, Nicole
Tuesday, August 16
For a Girl
Waterfall Ruffle Curtain
$0.10 -
This is just to show the bones of the room. I'm still not decided on the theme...Chris is leaning towards fairies in an enchanted forest, or something like that. I'm not sure...I was thinking ballet something could be fun..but may be hard to stretch to a whole theme...we will see. Keep you posted.
love, nicole
$0.10 -
This is just to show the bones of the room. I'm still not decided on the theme...Chris is leaning towards fairies in an enchanted forest, or something like that. I'm not sure...I was thinking ballet something could be fun..but may be hard to stretch to a whole theme...we will see. Keep you posted.
love, nicole
Monday, August 15
Preparing the Baby for the Baby
Christian borrowed a baby doll from Kylin and he loves her. He chose the girl doll over the boy one, so maybe he knows something I don't. We are hoping that this is helping out with being gentle for when the real baby comes.
I got this bouncer at a garage sale for $5 and apparently neglected to tell Christian it was for the new baby. He will not stay out of it. Since it was only $5 I figure I'll let him have his fun. It is too sweet to see him curl up with his baby in it.
Love you guys!
I got this bouncer at a garage sale for $5 and apparently neglected to tell Christian it was for the new baby. He will not stay out of it. Since it was only $5 I figure I'll let him have his fun. It is too sweet to see him curl up with his baby in it.
Christian also got this stroller to push his baby around. We have been outside many times to take "Baby" as he calls her, for a walk. I'm not allowed to push the baby though. It's his Baby. His.
I'm hoping all this loving of the baby sticks with him.
Love you guys!
A Week of Crock Pot Meals- Day 1
I decided this week I'd try a whole new week of meals in the crock pot. Chris gave me the idea, when he saw some new ones online...that or he couldn't handle another week of my go to meals :) Who are we kidding, those meals have been take out mostly since I've been so tired!
So crock pot meals this week. Today is Creamy Italian Slow Cooker Chicken. Here is what it is suppose to look like:
I didn't have any I had to improvise with red wine...which turned my dish from yellow to brown.. I may need to stop improvising.
Here's our dish:
And......IT WAS GOOD!!! I was really surprised, because, well, you saw the color. I served it over egg noodles and we are giving it a solid B+.
Up tomorrow...Zesty Slow Cooker Chicken BBQ.
So crock pot meals this week. Today is Creamy Italian Slow Cooker Chicken. Here is what it is suppose to look like:
I didn't have any I had to improvise with red wine...which turned my dish from yellow to brown.. I may need to stop improvising.
Here's our dish:
I was a little worried... |
Chris didn't look too worried |
Christian stuck with his meal... |
Up tomorrow...Zesty Slow Cooker Chicken BBQ.
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