Today I took Christian to a farm playdate with our Mops group. He LOVED it. He rode a pony name Spots and got to feed the horses carrots and apples. He had the best time and made sure I knew he didn't want to leave :)
Wednesday, September 28
Somewhere for Baby to Sleep
When Christian was a baby we slept him in our room in the pram that attaches to our stroller. It was right next to our bed and was the perfect height. This time that is not going to work because I'm going to need the stroller for Christian and New Baby, since I will not be able to manage them both out alone.
I'm on the look out for something that will work. My engineer wants to borrow this little seat from our friends and rig up some sort of chair table for it (its very low to the ground and I don't like the idea of the baby being so low I have to get on the ground to see him). I really won't sleep a wink, I'll be thinking the baby is going to fall off the table thing (or get pulled down by a toddler...)
My other problem with this is that I'm afraid if we sleep the baby in this 24/7 for the first three months that when it comes time to move him to his crib he will not want to sleep flat since this is at such an angle. That is not a battle I want to fight:)
If they were giving them away (and I"m pretty sure they do not :) I would get this bassinet from Pottery Barn Kids. Isn't it beautiful? I just love it. Its ridiculous though, like $300! That's robbery for something you are not going to use that long and then you have to find some place to store it....Not going to happen, but a fun thought.
Then there is the stand that holds our pram thing from our stroller. It would be nice to get this because I already have the sheets and everything for it, and then it would free up the wheels so I could use the stroller in my day to day life. Only bummer is its $100. That seems like a lot for legs....hum....
So I'm still on the search...let me know if you see anything that might work.
Love, Nicole
I'm on the look out for something that will work. My engineer wants to borrow this little seat from our friends and rig up some sort of chair table for it (its very low to the ground and I don't like the idea of the baby being so low I have to get on the ground to see him). I really won't sleep a wink, I'll be thinking the baby is going to fall off the table thing (or get pulled down by a toddler...)
My other problem with this is that I'm afraid if we sleep the baby in this 24/7 for the first three months that when it comes time to move him to his crib he will not want to sleep flat since this is at such an angle. That is not a battle I want to fight:)
If they were giving them away (and I"m pretty sure they do not :) I would get this bassinet from Pottery Barn Kids. Isn't it beautiful? I just love it. Its ridiculous though, like $300! That's robbery for something you are not going to use that long and then you have to find some place to store it....Not going to happen, but a fun thought.
So I'm still on the search...let me know if you see anything that might work.
Love, Nicole
Sunday, September 25
How Its Coming Along
The decorating that is...
We spent the weekend in Orlando and got some great stuff for the babies room, for Christian, and for the house. Yeah! My rooms are coming along. Here are a few shots of what they look like so far.
These are the new pillows. I'm still missing one green one, but I've got to figure out what I want. I wanted to bring in this new lighter blue color and these pillows were perfect. Both the white and blue ones are super soft velvety cotton.
Here's one up close shot of the bookcase. I got this blue plate at Home Goods and it really helped me match the blue in the room. Before most everything in the bookcase was gold, white and green. I thought bringing in another color would really make it pop.
Here is the full bookcase shot. I wanted to really hide all the kid toys and take back my living room! All the black cubbies at the bottom are full of Christians toys. I love this new look and we feel like we have our grownup living room back. I was also able to organize the toys more in these bins, and we also brought a lot of them upstairs now that Christian has a play area in his new big boy room.
A few close up bookcase details. I am going to get some pictures printed for the bookcase this week. I added a few new frames, and blue accent pieces. I also got rid of a lot of the clutter that was in the bookcase. Yeah for throwing stuff in the trash! Everytime I hit this nesting stage I toss out some serious trash. I am so excited the living room is almost done. Thank you to everyone that made it possible with such amazing birthday presents! All I really have left to do is the picture ledge area and clean out the front closet.
Here are a few shots of the dining room redo. Now that all of our mail and bags are in the pantry (photos coming soon) I can have this little area set up in the dining room all the time. I love it. Something about coming into the kitchen and not seeing mail, bills, bags and magazines all over the table just makes me feel calm! I also moved our wedding china to a new safe spot and instead did some non-breakable decorating on the corner shelf. Now I don't have to always shudder as Christian goes running by this. I made the little "Cocina" sign and the red frame is a chalk board. I just need to find my chalk...
Here is the first peeks of Christians Big Boy Room! I can't believe my little guy is so big. Moving his baby furniture out of this room was so sad and so exciting at the same time. I still can't believe we are going to have a little boy and a baby boy. We decided to pull Christians twin bed out all the way (it grows with him) so that we would have room if we needed to lay in here with him.
Here is the new dresser from Ikea. This took Chris some serious time to put together and had about 500 pieces. Gotta love Ikea.
Here is the new play area in his room. I thought that with the new baby we might be upstairs more often and it would be nice for Christian to have a place to play. We got him a mini bookcase of our one downstairs and put all his books and stuffed animals in it. He was very excited to see it when he got up from his nap.
This is the new bedding I found at Target. I got an amazing deal on this set. It came with the comforter, the sham, the pillow case, a flat sheet and a fitted sheet. Originally it was seventy-five dollars...I got it for $14.95!!! I mean you can't beat that deal. Aren't the sheets adorable?
Here's a close up of the comforter. The colors were perfect for the room. I really lucked out on finding them.
Once I clean the room up a bit I'll take some more pictures. The one angle I didnt' get is pretty much a giant heap of junk I haven't gone through yet. That and the insane closet of his. Full of junk.
Love, coley
We spent the weekend in Orlando and got some great stuff for the babies room, for Christian, and for the house. Yeah! My rooms are coming along. Here are a few shots of what they look like so far.
This is a new area in the living room. I got this vase at Home Goods for $14! We got two ledge shelves and a bunch of white frames in different sizes from Ikea. I'm hoping that this can be a place to put our family picture (when we get one!). Once the baby is born I want to get one of the four of us printed on a canvas.
Here's one up close shot of the bookcase. I got this blue plate at Home Goods and it really helped me match the blue in the room. Before most everything in the bookcase was gold, white and green. I thought bringing in another color would really make it pop.
Here is the full bookcase shot. I wanted to really hide all the kid toys and take back my living room! All the black cubbies at the bottom are full of Christians toys. I love this new look and we feel like we have our grownup living room back. I was also able to organize the toys more in these bins, and we also brought a lot of them upstairs now that Christian has a play area in his new big boy room.
A few close up bookcase details. I am going to get some pictures printed for the bookcase this week. I added a few new frames, and blue accent pieces. I also got rid of a lot of the clutter that was in the bookcase. Yeah for throwing stuff in the trash! Everytime I hit this nesting stage I toss out some serious trash. I am so excited the living room is almost done. Thank you to everyone that made it possible with such amazing birthday presents! All I really have left to do is the picture ledge area and clean out the front closet.
Here are a few shots of the dining room redo. Now that all of our mail and bags are in the pantry (photos coming soon) I can have this little area set up in the dining room all the time. I love it. Something about coming into the kitchen and not seeing mail, bills, bags and magazines all over the table just makes me feel calm! I also moved our wedding china to a new safe spot and instead did some non-breakable decorating on the corner shelf. Now I don't have to always shudder as Christian goes running by this. I made the little "Cocina" sign and the red frame is a chalk board. I just need to find my chalk...
Here is the first peeks of Christians Big Boy Room! I can't believe my little guy is so big. Moving his baby furniture out of this room was so sad and so exciting at the same time. I still can't believe we are going to have a little boy and a baby boy. We decided to pull Christians twin bed out all the way (it grows with him) so that we would have room if we needed to lay in here with him.
Here is the new dresser from Ikea. This took Chris some serious time to put together and had about 500 pieces. Gotta love Ikea.
Here is the new play area in his room. I thought that with the new baby we might be upstairs more often and it would be nice for Christian to have a place to play. We got him a mini bookcase of our one downstairs and put all his books and stuffed animals in it. He was very excited to see it when he got up from his nap.
This is the new bedding I found at Target. I got an amazing deal on this set. It came with the comforter, the sham, the pillow case, a flat sheet and a fitted sheet. Originally it was seventy-five dollars...I got it for $14.95!!! I mean you can't beat that deal. Aren't the sheets adorable?
Here's a close up of the comforter. The colors were perfect for the room. I really lucked out on finding them.
Once I clean the room up a bit I'll take some more pictures. The one angle I didnt' get is pretty much a giant heap of junk I haven't gone through yet. That and the insane closet of his. Full of junk.
Love, coley
Tuesday, September 13
Look what we got today? An awesome necklace from the children's museum. Can't you see the shaggy haired teenager he'll become?
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Saturday, September 10
Fun Redo Ideas
Check out this house redo I found online at, and pretty fun website of home decorating ect.
I'm sure you have seen these Little Tykes houses around. I would love Christian to have one, but the colors aren't really um, manly...or cute for that matter...
Check out this redo a lady did with spray paint. Isn't it adorable!?
I'm going to this giant consignment sale in two weeks and the website said that they have tons of playhouses and outdoor play equipment for great deals. If I find one I am so convincing Chris we need to get it for Christian and we can fix it up and give it to him for Christmas. Or maybe before because I probably won't be able to wait! :)
We'll see if I find one....
I'm sure you have seen these Little Tykes houses around. I would love Christian to have one, but the colors aren't really um, manly...or cute for that matter...
Check out this redo a lady did with spray paint. Isn't it adorable!?
I'm going to this giant consignment sale in two weeks and the website said that they have tons of playhouses and outdoor play equipment for great deals. If I find one I am so convincing Chris we need to get it for Christian and we can fix it up and give it to him for Christmas. Or maybe before because I probably won't be able to wait! :)
We'll see if I find one....

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My boys on River Street this morning. Chris was setting up for his SHPE (society of Hispanic professional engineers) booth. Aren't they adorable? Christian wanted to dress like dad.
My boys on River Street this morning. Chris was setting up for his SHPE (society of Hispanic professional engineers) booth. Aren't they adorable? Christian wanted to dress like dad.
The Kid Loves Hats

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We found this hat at Walmart for $5 bucks. I think its a womens hat, but with all the hair he has its only a little big.
We found this hat at Walmart for $5 bucks. I think its a womens hat, but with all the hair he has its only a little big.
Baby Gets the Boot
Christian tossed out baby and traded her in for "juice" as he calls his sippy cup. He is giving it hugs and saying juice over and over :)
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Friday, September 9
Let it be said that I have never been a lover of coffee. It gives you that icky after taste, it kind of makes my stomach hurt, I never want to HAVE TO have it to function...Yet with both pregnancies I have craved coffee all day. Hot coffee, iced coffee, coffee! I only allow myself the one glass a day, but I think about that glass. I get downstairs a little earlier to obtain it. Oddly this usually wears off about ten minutes after I give birth. Weird huh?
love, Nicole
Monday, September 5
Labor Day Weekend
Chris and I have taken Labor Day weekend literally and put in some serious work over the last three days. We have completely emptied our garage and thrown away a truck full of trash. We also got a truck full to donate, and the rest went back in. Chris came up with some great ways to hang things, and has gotten so much of it off the floor. I would have taken before pictures, but when I went to do so it was so horrifying the camera battery immediatley died. Seriously. It was that bad.
We decided that this time we were taking a different approach on the whole garage clean out day. Mostly because we have lived here almost four years and this is probably our third serious garage cleaning. We figured out our major problem is we just love to keep stuff (not to the Hoarders extent so please don't sign us up...but still it was getting ridiculous).
Deep down I know we both have this feeling that one day, ONE DAY (even if that day is in ten years) we will want that weird plate/old mirror/piece of metal and we'll be so glad we kept it. Oh we will rave about how we just knew we should keep that, and look at all the money we saved by not having to buy another one! (insert slapping each other on the back and high fives)
People- this has never happened. We do not use this junk. To make matters worse we are also sentimental junkies. Chris had almost every notebook from college. (For the memories!) I had boxes of cards and letters. Boxes. Now it lives in the city dump. Sorry Chris' freshman year professor of Macroeconomics and my eighth grade boyfriend. It had to be done. You will live on in our memories.
Next up was the pantry/mudroom. This room was a work in progress. There were about five unfinished projects going on in there. I've always wanted to add a bench so we can sit down, take off our shoes, put our bags on it, ect. I just couldn't find one. Anywhere. Well I found a few for over $200 but that wasn't happening. Not when there was more tupperware boxes to hold memories to be purchased! In comes the idea that Chris make one. Hummmm....
But he did people. He really did. And it looks awesome. I'm going to cover it and add a few pillows (recycled from the living room) and paint the legs and its done. I spray painted some cubbies to hold our stuff, added a mail center, got a few dry erase calendars, hung hooks for our coats and bags and threw an insane amount of junk in the trash. It looks so awesome! I'll post pictures as soon as the bench is done.
I will now be able to drive my car into the garage, get the kid(s) out, sit them on the bench, take shoes and coats off, have an actual place to store them, hang my keys and bag, drop the mail off AND (the best part) shut that door behind me. I may pass out the first time I walk in the front door and don't trip over eight pairs of shoes and three bags.
Next up on Take Back This House From the Clutter....
Kitchen cabinet reorganize/donate (we have WAY more stuff than we use in there) & Living room re-purpose (I've got to find room for a swing, a pack-n-play & a baby bouncer chair--?ugh)
Love, Nicole
We decided that this time we were taking a different approach on the whole garage clean out day. Mostly because we have lived here almost four years and this is probably our third serious garage cleaning. We figured out our major problem is we just love to keep stuff (not to the Hoarders extent so please don't sign us up...but still it was getting ridiculous).
Deep down I know we both have this feeling that one day, ONE DAY (even if that day is in ten years) we will want that weird plate/old mirror/piece of metal and we'll be so glad we kept it. Oh we will rave about how we just knew we should keep that, and look at all the money we saved by not having to buy another one! (insert slapping each other on the back and high fives)
People- this has never happened. We do not use this junk. To make matters worse we are also sentimental junkies. Chris had almost every notebook from college. (For the memories!) I had boxes of cards and letters. Boxes. Now it lives in the city dump. Sorry Chris' freshman year professor of Macroeconomics and my eighth grade boyfriend. It had to be done. You will live on in our memories.
Next up was the pantry/mudroom. This room was a work in progress. There were about five unfinished projects going on in there. I've always wanted to add a bench so we can sit down, take off our shoes, put our bags on it, ect. I just couldn't find one. Anywhere. Well I found a few for over $200 but that wasn't happening. Not when there was more tupperware boxes to hold memories to be purchased! In comes the idea that Chris make one. Hummmm....
But he did people. He really did. And it looks awesome. I'm going to cover it and add a few pillows (recycled from the living room) and paint the legs and its done. I spray painted some cubbies to hold our stuff, added a mail center, got a few dry erase calendars, hung hooks for our coats and bags and threw an insane amount of junk in the trash. It looks so awesome! I'll post pictures as soon as the bench is done.
I will now be able to drive my car into the garage, get the kid(s) out, sit them on the bench, take shoes and coats off, have an actual place to store them, hang my keys and bag, drop the mail off AND (the best part) shut that door behind me. I may pass out the first time I walk in the front door and don't trip over eight pairs of shoes and three bags.
Next up on Take Back This House From the Clutter....
Kitchen cabinet reorganize/donate (we have WAY more stuff than we use in there) & Living room re-purpose (I've got to find room for a swing, a pack-n-play & a baby bouncer chair--?ugh)
Love, Nicole
Hopefully I fixed It
The website that I can design fun decor pages on has gone crazy and started linking every image I find to this blog. I'm not sure why but I think I've fixed it. Sorry for all the random pictures of pillows and couches. :)
Sunday, September 4
Thursday, September 1
Baby Clothes & The Cutest Toddler Ever
I bought these for the boys. That sounds so weird! "my boys!" So exciting :) I got these on a crazy deal at Carters, less than three dollars a piece...size 3 months and 3T.
Grandma Baksa bought this one. Isn't it sweet? I can't wait to have a brand new baby all snuggled up in this.
Grandma Baksa picked this one up for us too. Isn't it sweet?
I love this one!
We picked this up right after our appointment per our tradition.
Another Carters buy, this one is thermal, and so sweet
This is my favorite! How cute is this? It may be the take home outfit...
Here is Christian modeling the babies hooded blanket. This blanket is so soft. I'm worried I'm going to have to get one for him because he is seriously attached to it.
Is this not the sweetest picture?! Oh I love this one. He was so happy to have this blanket on.
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