That I'm slacking on this blog.
Thank you, mom.
Let's see what has been going on with us?
- Colorado was awesome! We had so much fun. It was so good to see family and friends and that baby shower was amazing! Thank you everyone. Pictures to come, Maya took some great ones and is going to send to me (right Maya? :)
- The room is coming along. I will post a few more pictures later this weekend, showing some things we've added. We are headed out of town this weekend, so the animal wall stickers will have to wait until Sunday.
- Bedding is coming Monday! Have I shown you? No? Oh well, here it is:

Its by Banana Fish and I found it on Amazon. Originally I was going to work with my MIL to make the bedding, but we have looked and searched and canNOT find any material. They just don't have much out there. Then when I found this for an awesome deal, I figured it was worth a try. I got in on a trail basis b/c I'm not sure the blues are going to work. I think the orange is going to be fine (its a little brighter than shown here) but not sure about the blue. Its a robin eggs blue and I'm thinking that its still in the same color family as the aqua...but you never know until you get it in there, so I've ordered and we'll see. I love that its has animals, polka dots, and the alphabet but its not too...babyish. Yes I'm aware its for a baby. :) I thought if the blue needs to be tied in more, I may replace the bumper ribbons with bright aqua ones...
- Our next doctors appointment is Monday 16th and this one is going to be a doozy. I get to drink that sugary stuff and take the glucose test. So exciting. Did I mention they are going to take my blood yet again? Oh I'm over this blood taking. All for the little guy right?
- We are headed towards our 3rd Trimester...which just seems crazy! How is it that we only have November, December and January left before we get to meet Baby Baksa?
- We are still undecided on a baby name. I'm hoping it just comes to me. Any thoughts?
Love, Nicole
Hope this thing posts- still computer illiterate! OMG!! Not sure how I found this website, but here it is. AND here you are! I can't believe you are having a bitty Baksa! Congratulations!! I miss you guys and am SO glad I ran across this thing. Cami Harris