Thursday, January 21

Oh thank goodness we are almost done...

Looky here...thanks to Mindy the babies curtains are up!
We got the toy hanger up, the numbers canvas up and the real pictures up!
We couldn't have done it without all the help of our friends.
thank you guys~

Here is the awesome giraffe graphic that Jen made for us! Thanks Jen, you rock.

Here are the real pictures, finally in the frames. So cute.And thanks to Em for sending the car seat. Mr. Monkey tried it out for us...he reports that is it comfortable and soft.

We have officially bought everything that was still on our list.
I plan to fully pack us tomorrow.
The awesome girls from work threw me a shower and the Lunch Bunch (the most awesome women eVER,) got us our Pack n Play!!!
This weekend we are going to clean the house and
I'm getting my toes done early next week (so necessary :)

People...I think we can have a baby boy now.


So here's the news:

As of last Thursday, the little bambino was 3500 grams. (this translates to 7lbs 14oz or so....this is the "guess" that the ultrasound formula gives us. It could be a pound less or more...I know real accurate).

If the baby gets to 4000 grams (somewhere around 8lbs 13 ounces...or so) then we are having a C-section on Sunday 31st or Monday 1st, bright and early.

We get his new updated measurement this Monday 25th at 10:45am! And then we'll know! We cannot wait to find out when we get to meet our little guy.

Based on these "guesses" they think at 39 weeks (Sunday 31st) baby Christian will be 9lbs 1oz.

As for our guesses...I think the baby will be 8lbs 4oz, 21 inches long. Chris thinks 8lbs 13oz, 21 1/2 inches long. Feel free to make your guesses in the comments section! We'd love to hear them.

all our love,
the Baksas

Saturday, January 16

Random Picture Update

Here are the canvas' I painted for Christians bathroom. Now I just have to touch them up, add the blue or orange and attach the ribbon. And done!

We are finally getting things hung up. Here's the numbers canvas and the hanging toy bin. More to come on that later. I still need to fix it up a bit and we have to get to Home Depot and get a decorative hook to hang it from.

These current pictures are just place holders until we get something with better resolution. Hard to tell the blurriness in this picture, but at least they are up! The clock is up! We are getting there people.

And last but not least, here is my buddy that I get to hang out with all the time now that I'm home. This was like 1 of 20 shots, because he would not stop licking me in the face and moving around. Check my uniform. I am seriously wearing some variation of this outfit, black leggings, boots, tank and black sweater, until I give birth. Well and probably for some time after that. I can't stand to put anything else on but yoga pants and I'm not so far gone that I can just wear sweats every day. Well not yet....haha. Anyways, I'm giant, but what are you going to do? haha. Like the boots? I'm obsessed.

Love, coley

Just Depressing...

As I lay here with my feet propped up because my ankles have swollen...I happened upon our honeymoon photos from Jamaica. Oh to not be 9 months pregnant, swollen, sore and tired.....

(Chris of course still looks great :)

Friday, January 15

He has a name!

Christian Orion Baksa

(oh- we love it)

How we got there....Chris loves is at the top of this list...Orion is the constellation that Chris pointed out to me on one of our very first nights out together...its just fits our little guy...the future astronaut...haha

Tuesday, January 12

Things I need to STOP doing this late in pregnancy

  1. Stop watching The Baby Story. I have got to stop watching this show. As I type this, I am in fact watching the Baby Story right now. Why?! Why can't I stop. Its like just knowing its on or something, I get hooked on the first nice part, you know where they are like, "oh look at our house, we are all ready for the baby, our family will be here soon, blah blah" and then like 2 commercials in when they are at the hospital having the baby, someone will say something stupid like, "Oh the epidural doesn't really cover the pain of the head coming out, just the other stuff"! What!? And that was a doctor on the show. Seriously. Do they not want me to sleep for the next 4 weeks? So anyways, I have GOT to turn this show off.
  2. Thinking about this whole breastfeeding thing...I mean I've taken the classes, I've watched more than one video, and I am putting that stuff..that Lanolin stuff on myself daily now. I mean there is nothing more I can do. I'm done worrying about it! Done done. (notice that I did not put a picture with this one... :) haha)
  3. Being ready! I think about it all day, I dream about it all night. We are suppose to get our bags packed this week (eek!) and there are a few other hundred things we need to do (or so I think) and it freaks me out! We really only have to interview pediatricians, pack our bags, wash a few more things, wash sheets for guest bedroom, and get on a list for one of our top daycares. What my "brain" thinks we need to do includes some of the following: make room for baby stuff in front closet, organize/decorate bookcase, make curtains for kitchen and babies room, buy like 100 more things, wash all of our clothes, um I could go on but this blog isn't long enough. Both of the moms have told me to stop doing things because they are coming to do everything and I know they will, but I'm a planner, and being pregnant is apparently making me crazy and I am horrified that something won't get done. :) Issues I tell you.
  4. Doing anything on the floor. Who do I think I am? I look like this:
I have no business getting on the floor. Ever. And I realize this as soon as I try to get up. Why can't I remember I'm carrying a bowling bowl out front? Oh I know, pregnancy brain :)


love, coley

Thursday, January 7

Update on Today

DONE!1. Call and change dietian appointment. Its conflicting with me 10 other appts next week! :)
2. Get pediatrician names from friends. Live here? Got one? Email me.
PARTIALLY DONE3. Sew orange ribbon on bumper
DONE!4. Get ready for Endocrinologist and Pernatology appts.
DONE!5. 1:30-endo
DONE!6. 3:00- perna
7. 4:30- Home! Start curtains
DONE!8. 6:00- Start dinner

5 1/2 OUTTA 8....not bad :)

Tomorrow's List:
  1. Finish sewing bumper
  2. Wash crib sheets (little niece Kylin is coming to stay the night with her Auntie and Uncle)
  3. Go get new shoes that fit swollen feet
  4. Go through rest of mail
  5. Catch up on list with Chris
  6. Straighten babies room
  7. Go get Kylin at 5
  8. Get Pediatrician names

Why is it so cold???...we do live in Georgia

Burrrrr! It is so cold here. I do not know what the deal is. Thankfully I have not had to get up early to go to work, so I really shouldn't complain too much.

This is my first week off. I saw my doctors Monday and they were very happy I was taking it easy, especially after all they put me thru that day.

To keep myself on task and to avoid sitting here watching You Got Mail for the 15th time, I thought I'd put my to do list out here for everyone to see. Keep me honest ;)

(christo got me this planner for it)

1. Call and change dietian appointment. Its conflicting with me 10 other appts next week! :)
2. Get pediatrician names from friends. Live here? Got one? Email me.
3. Sew orange ribbon on bumper
4. Get ready for Endocrinologist and Pernatology appts.
5. 1:30-endo
6. 3:00- perna
7. 4:30- Home! Start curtains
8. 6:00- Start dinner

And its pretty much all over when Chris gets home :) I just want to hang with him.

I'll let you know how close to all of 8 I get.

News*** all my long distance friends get happy! We got you all a belated Christmas present...we are getting a home phone line! Tomorrow! So now all this, can you hear me? yes I'm at home? I know,you can't hear me, right? HEllo!? Is going to stop. I will be mass texting the number as soon as I get it. Thank goodness. So now if I go into labor at home I don't have to wait until 6pm when Chris comes home, I will actually be able to call him to come and get me. :)

love, Coley

Wednesday, January 6

Baby Clothes!

I love this outfit, one of my favorites. Chris and I found it at Babies R Us for like $4 dollars. It looks so comfortable... I need a pair of these velour pants.
I picked up these sports onesies for Chris. They are the cutest sports themed stuff I've seen so far, so I figured I better nab them.
I love this onesie! So cute. It says, "Rockin" on the sleeve. Now he just needs some little pants.
I got this one for the grandmas. Adorable huh?
Chris' aunts from Ecuador made this. It is unbelievably cute. Little booties, a sweater and a bonnet. I mean you don't get any cuter than this. I still can't believe they knitted this. I hope Christian gets some of these talented genes from his Ecuador family.

We also picked up some pj's for the little guy in size newborn (only size we didn't really have much of) and a couple of onesies.

I want to grab a pair of 0-3 months jeans and he needs a few pairs of pants (I think he has 2 pairs right now) that I can put on over his onesies. He's got lots of socks thanks to his Colorado family but he still needs a few hats and some long sleeved onesies.

I feel like after that we've pretty much got the little guy covered at least to 4 months or so.


Check out the latest

The material for the curtains is here!!!!!

Like my model I got to hold them up? :) They are super bright and I just love them. Love love. The guy at the fabric store said, "wow this is bright material...what's your project?" and I told him curtains for my babies room. He gave me the, oh, wow, oh, look, and so I had tell him at my house we go bold or we don't go at all, dang it. He needs to come see my living room. :)

Anyway it looks great...I know what I'm doing here :)

We did a little baby shopping last week, allow me to show you some of our fun buys. After I put the picture of those Pumas up in the last post, Chris had to get our little guy some. Had to. I'm telling you he has a soft spot in his heart for tiny Pumas and mini Timberland boots. Cause my husband usually wants to know how much it is first, then we'll discuss the cute factor later, but not this time. :) Here are the Pumas we got, and below is the Timberland boots Christian will get as soon as he can walk (according to his dad :)

I also found this canvas of blue and brown numbers at Marshall's and thought it would look great over the chair. I wanted to bring in some elements that weren't animals and I thought this was cute and a great size for where I wanted to put it. Plus the colors are right on. Carrying around these paint swatches has totally paid off.

More pictures to come when I get the curtains made (tomorrow!), and my model here gets the curtain rods and canvas hung (soon Chris? pretty please?). Its coming together people. I cannot wait to open the door and just see it done. I've been envisioning it for so long and its really starting to take form. If I have any material left, I'm going to try and cut a silhouette of an animal out and sew it onto a white pillow (since I can't find the exact one I want...) We'll see how much time I have left. Or maybe I'll spell out his initials (if we ever give him a middle name..)

We'll see. Love, Coley

Friday, January 1

New Years Day

What are you up to this New Years Day?

Last night we went to Mindy and Troys and partied it up (Chris)! :) I stayed up until 2am which is a pregnancy miracle right there. We played some games, had some drinks and an all around good time. I stuck to the sparkling grape juice thank you very much.

Today so far we have been super lazy. Angelo has been playing non stop with Cincy, Jen and Dave's cute little puppy, we are dog sitting. Isn't she the cutest thing ever?Chris started his day off with a little Xbox, followed by football and now he's watching The Hangover...I'd say he's in heaven. The second part of the day is mine, because we have reservations at Tangerines...sushi...yumm! We are also going to stop by Babies R Us and check out the giant sale that is going on :)

It has been a pretty nice first day of the year, so far.

Hope yours is fabulous as well.

Love, coley

Window (Internet) Shopping

Happy New Year everyone! As Chris plays Call of Duty I am doing a little, "wouldn't it be nice to buy whatever I wanted for the baby" window shopping. :) I'm not really purchasing any of this super cute stuff, but hey its fun to look, right?

Here's what I'd get:
Gap infant striped railroad jeans. How stinkin cute are these? I seriously think Christian needs them. Don't you? :)

Emu infant booties. These actually stay on little feet and they are just too cute. Love them.

Push present anyone? This is an Amethyst gemstone, February's due in with me? This ring is obviously amazing and I'm just hoping for something pretty, but its nice to dream huh? :)
Chris would love these for the little guy!This is adorable. A tiny little kelly green sweater...

So cute. Nordstroms has the best stuff. I seriously need to move back in the near vicinity of one....well I'm sure Chris doesn't mind.... ;)