Thursday, February 11


Its coming up on Valentine's day and to get ready me and Mr. Christian are watching lovely movies at home under the covers. Its our first day home alone and the little guy requested chick flicks and brownies...who was I to refuse?

We have watched Sense and Sensibility. So his first introduction to Jane Austen has been established. Check.

You can't have Valentine's Day without a good bit of Hugh Grant. You know, the hair and all. So we watched Notting Hill. You know we have to get our Hugh Grant flicks in while Chris is at work...he has issues with him. You know, the hair and all. :)
And for the classic spin, we rented An Affair to Remember, with Cary Grant. The little guy really liked this one.So all in all I'd call our first day alone pretty successful. We managed to clean up the bedroom as well, so that's something :)

As Christian is 11 days old today, I will tell you 11 things I've learned about him so far...
  1. He likes to sit. Its really the funniest thing. He wants you to put him in sitting position all the time. And its not like he has the neck strength to actually do this very well, but he's not letting that hold him back.
  2. His eyes are brown mostly but there is this twinge of blue or something around the edges, that we just can't put our finger on quite yet.
  3. He seriously has the best hair ever. He is in need of his first haircut like 20 days ago, so he kindly requests that his personal hairstylist Emily Myers, come back to Savannah and give him a cut soon. (I too wish she'd come back asap)
  4. He has my nose
  5. He has Chris' chin
  6. His lips are a mystery
  7. His little lip quivers when he gets upset (cutest thing ever)
  8. He has the longest legs. Super skinny (like dads) and the just go on forever.
  9. He likes to look at people out of the corner of his eyes. Its really hilarious. If he hears someone talking on one side of him he doesn't turn to look (you know that whole neck control thing we talked about) he just darts his eyes and gives them this look. So funny.
  10. Hands down cutest baby I've ever seen.
  11. We can't imagine life before him...seriously its just insane how wonderful he is.
Oh he's waking up so I'll see ya soon. More pictures tomorrow, check back.

All our love,
coley and christian

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